ContextCapture User Guide

Address bar parameters

The first way of configuring the web viewer is through address bar parameters. The address bar is the place where we type the address for a chosen website, as indicated in the image above.

3 options can be passed to the web viewer by using the address:

  • Add a play button to the screen. The application waits for the button to be pressed before showing the 3D scene.
  • Set the 3D scene to be loaded
  • Camera viewpoint

Add a play button to the screen

The play button screen option is turned on by adding playBtn=on to the browser address. The application waits for the button to be pressed before showing the 3D scene. An example of how to do this is shown below:

The background image shown under the play button is the scene placeholder image. You can define this image as described in "Configuring the 3MX".

Set the 3D scene to load

The second option you can define in the address bar is the 3D scene to load. By default, the web viewer is attached to a webGL production and stores as scene to load the production scene. But you can change the scene by giving the web viewer the web address of a 3mx file. In the example below, the Quarry scene is loaded from the local server by setting the option:


Please note that the address parameter string is preceded by the character ? and the 2 options in the address are separated by the character &.

By exploiting the scene parameter, you can use the same copy of the web application with all your productions. We encourage you to do this for your deployment on the web.

To make easier the access to various scenes, the list of available scenes can all be defined in the web viewer folder, and accessed via aliases. This is done through to the 2nd method of parametrizing the web application — parameters given in the config.json file.

Set the camera viewpoint

If you want to share with your clients a particular view of your 3D model, special camera parameters in the address bar allow you to do this.

To obtain the current view's camera parameters, you can use the ContextCapture Web Viewer's Link option. Please go to the web viewer's interface section "Link to the model" to see more.